Funding Continuous Glucose Monitors | Nova Scotia Liberal
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Liberals Call for Continuous Glucose Monitors to be Covered in Spring Budget

January 24, 2024 – (Halifax, NS)  

With the 2024-25 provincial budget around the corner, the Nova Scotia Liberal Caucus is renewing their call to cover the cost of continuous glucose monitors for Nova Scotians living with diabetes.


Nova Scotia is home to some of the highest rates of diabetes in Canada, with over 170,000 people diagnosed with diabetes and many more living with prediabetes and undiagnosed diabetes. It is estimated that for those living with diabetes, upwards of 9 per cent of their gross annual income can be spent on medications, devices, and
supplies to manage their condition.

“When someone is living with a complex chronic condition as serious as diabetes, the last thing they should be concerned about is the financial strain of managing their health,” said Opposition Leader Zach Churchill. “Investing more in preventative measures will help take strain off the healthcare system.”

“Continuous glucose monitors can be transformative for people living with diabetes, enabling them to better manage their blood glucose levels and reduce the risk of developing diabetes complications,” said Maria Campbell, Director of Government Affairs and Advocacy at Diabetes Canada.


“The coverage of continuous glucose monitors in Nova Scotia can remove a significant financial barrier for people living with diabetes. Diabetes Canada looks forward to continuing positive conversations with all parties on this critical issue.”

Diabetes Canada estimates that treatment of diabetes and its related complications is predicted to cost Nova Scotia's healthcare system $131 million per year by 2033. As a result, the national organization is encouraging all legislatures – from coast to coast to coast – to adopt a comprehensive diabetes strategy.

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